Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Fig1 Source:http://chuckgallagher.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/prison-hands.jpg

We are asked to describe the juvenile system in three certain points in time, 2000, 2002 and 2004. In Vermont, at all three times there were more private juvenile center than public ones. In 2000 there were five juvenile centers, one public and four private. In 2002 the number of juvenile centers stayed the same. In 2004 juvenile centers decreased by one. There was still one public facility open but the private facility went from four to three. The number of juvenile centers slightly decreased. It went from five to five to four within four years.
One of the reasons I believe that the number of juvenile centers decreased is that there were less juvenile delinquents. The juveniles could have hated their first experiences of being in the juvenile centers and then changed their minds about being involved in criminal activities. Another reason could be that the 2000 -2002 generation was a bad generation. After those years they could have been a recession of juveniles because that generation was no longer considered juveniles. The last reason that could have been the reason for the decrease of juvenile centers is that there was a lot of space in two of the facilities so they merged. They could keep them open just incase there are more teens that turn to delinquents but judging by the previous years the number of juvenile delinquents either stayed around the same number or got less.

The prison population of women in Vermont has increased on an average of 11.9% from 2000-2006 and .6% from 2006-2007. The prison population for males has increased from 2000-2006 and then decreased from 2006-2007. The average annual change from 2006-2007 is 4.1% and -3.4% from 2006-2007. It might be possible that women the rate of women incarcerated in the time frame of these seven years has increased maybe because of drug use, violations of parole, and treason. In the time that the number of incarcerated men has increased the men probably committed crimes such as domestic violence, robbery, and assault with a deadly weapon.