Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome to CSI Vermont

Team CSI Vermont would like to welcome you to our blog post. You are invited to follow Team CSI Vermont. This welcome blog consist of eight people who will give you a brief description of their general interests, which can be concluded as a short biography of each team member.

KT is a 19 year old full-time freshmen attending UNLV who is majoring in Criminal Justice and her minor is Business Management. In the future she plans to become an Attorney. KT also thought about becoming a Paralegal Specialist in the Army, but instead she followed her mother's advice and went to college so she can get her law degree to own a law firm with her best friend JS. In addition to this KT wants to be an inspiring mother to her juvenile son. KT enjoys having fun and hanging out with her family and friends. She also enjoys shopping and going to cheer competitions in her spare time.
JS is a full-time freshmen shopaholic who is attending UNLV who is majoring in Criminal Justice. JS took a two and a half year program in which she had the option of becoming a nurse in which she declined to follow her long-term dream of becoming a prosecuting attorney. JS is dedicated to owning a law firm with her best friend KT, and looks forward to what is coming in the near future.
IL is a 18 year old freshmen attending UNLV who is minoring in Criminal Justice and majoring in Nursing. IL loves kids which is why after obtaining her doctoral degree she plans on becoming a compassionate Pediatrician. In her spare time IL loves to play soccer and hang with her friends and go shopping.
DP is a freshmen attending UNLV who is majoring in Criminal Justice. After receiving her Bachelors degree she will proceed to law school in New York or California. In the future she plans on becoming a Criminal Defense lawyer and work for the federal government. She also wants to work for herself and become a supreme court judge. However her options and opportunities are open so her plans may change.
KK is attending UNLV. She has a major in Biology and Education. She has been a substitute teacher for seven teen years. She wants to be an educated grandma with persistent knowledge. KK enjoys spending time with her friends, family, and co-workers. She enjoys watching the cook shows and cooking for her family.
SM is a 21 year old junior attending UNLV who has recently changed his major to Criminal Justice. He is still undecided on what he would like to do in the future, but is nonetheless taking strides to accomplish a career choice, to become a successful individual, and to make a difference in society. In his spare time SM likes to watch the sports channel and loves to hang with his buddies TT and JL.
TT is a sophomore who is currently majoring in Kinesiology. He thinks Criminal Justice is a very interesting major. So he is taking Criminal Justice classes to learn about the justice system and to have a better knowledge in the criminal justice career field. TT loves sports and loves new and exciting things.
JL is a sophomore who is attending UNLV and is majoring in Sociology. He is still undecided about what he wants to become in the future, but he aspires to be successful no matter what his future may brings. He is 20 years old and loves to have fun no matter what the situation may be. JL is a big Rebel fan and has been attending every football and basketball since his freshmen year at UNLV.

Team CSI Vermont would be pleased to educate you with the procedures and laws in the state of Vermont. Thank you for your time and interest. We hope that you gain the intended knowledge that you seek. Team CSI Vermont.