Sunday, September 27, 2009


1) The Vermont law enforcement was primarily county, based prior to the establishment of a Department of Public Safety. Each county had an elected sheriff who was responsible for enforcing all laws to towns in the county that did not have their own police departments. Department of Motor Vehicles Highway Patrol, provided statewide law enforcement services. Members were responsible for patrolling the state’s roadways on motorcycles and enforcing motor vehicle laws.
The movement of a Department of Public Safety in the state of Vermont began in 1935 through a special committee that was formed to study the possibility of a statewide police system. After continuous studies were performed by the committee, results were positive and support from the community began to expand. The first bill was introduced to establish a Department of Public Safety in the 1937 Legislature. However, it was later concluded that it was not the correct decision to be made. It was assumed that the defeat of this original proposal was a result of lobbying by the sheriffs who perceived a loss of power.

2) In earlier days when the Vermont State Police Department was formed, most departments used motorcycles to patrol. The motorcycles weren’t powerful and fast like those we see today, but were more like bicycles with a motor. In this day and age, Vermont police use different types of cars and motorcycles to better secure the area. With the vehicles used now, an officer could cover more ground, therefore making up time when having to get to a location that is far away from where the officer is at. Going back to the earlier days, not many people had cars that could go fast like cars do nowadays, so a high speed chase wouldn’t be a problem that an officer from that time would encounter. The problem he would encounter would be when getting a call of an emergency from a distant location. If someone was calling to where they felt they were being robbed, a cop from the present would make it there faster than an officer in the earlier days, therefore being able to stop the crime quicker. Also another problem that an officer would encounter is transporting criminals. Cops have cars with a guard between the driver seat and the backseat where the criminal is held. This guard protects the officer from a violent attack from the criminal. Many good things have come with the purchasing of police vehicles but the downside to it is that cars do need repairs. But in the state of Vermont, many police departments have garages that are equipped with lifts and tools to repair cars, or have a mechanic come in and fix. This is good because an officer won’t have to wait on his car to be fixed at a shop and he can check on it every day.

The above is an example of the history of the police department in Vermont. The story below is another example of the history of the police department in Vermont , if the above did not depict enough info.

It was only seven years ago when a man named Anthony Barreto-Neto started to work for Hardwick Municipal Police Department in Northern Vermont. After a short time working for HMPD a few town officials were doing a research on Anthony and found out that on a website Anthony Barreto-Neto was a transsexual. Once this information was found out town officials presumed his inability to due his job as a police officer. Once the word got out about Barreto-Neto he was harassed at work. It got to the point were it became so cruel and unlawful that Barreto-Neto terminated himself from his job. That was when the Town of Hardwick settled a claim.

According to Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (2001) “The settlement included a monetary payment to Barreto-Neto and a requirement that the town adopt a formal policy of nondiscrimination against transgender persons and train its employees on transgender issues. Importantly, the Attorney General’s ruling established for the first time in Vermont that transgender persons are protected under the State’s anti-discrimination laws”

Even though 2001 was not that long ago I think that many officers like Barreto-Neto were abused emotionally and physically, and they did not have the courage to step to the plate because they were afraid. Times still have not change since then but since the formal policy of nondiscrimination against transgender persons was adopted we feel that if a person was transgender they would encounter some of the problems that Anthony had, but they won’t be as extreme as they were in 2001. For this simple reason is why America is trying to establish laws for transgender and for others like them so they can feel protected and safe from others who feel different.



“The police of Burlington Police Department are committed to policing with the citizens of Burlington to achieve a safe, healthy and self reliant community.”


INTEGRITY - We adhere to the highest ethical standards, assuring the community that their public trust is well founded.

SERVICE - We provide the highest level of service and protection to all people in a competent, courteous manner, tempered with compassion and understanding.

RESPECT - We treat all persons with dignity and respect by promoting equality and fairness both inside and outside the Department.

CREATIVITY - We engage in problem-solving as our primary strategy, involving the community in identification of the problems, the best solutions and their implementation.

Burlington Police Department addresses a community challenge, revising training. Every police officer must establish training standards by the Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council in order to maintain certification. The core values of the training unit are loyalty, honor, respect, team work, attention to detail, adaptability, courage, leadership, and professionalism. These values help the officers to do what is legally and morally right and to develop mental, moral and physical strength in order to handle situations in a just manner. They believe that by developing a challenging and empowering environment that promotes discipline, respect, team work, and fitness will enable them to create a well trained Vermont police officer. They described fitness as being a term that reflects the mind and the body. Their mission is to sharpen the intellect while conditioning the body for health.

Burlington Police work to prevent the abuse of drugs and alcohol and to prevent family violence. From their website: you will be able to find many sources about safety tips, a survival guide for off campus living students, robbery safety information, identity theft information, etc. They make it easy for people who are reaching out for help to get the proper assistance that they need.


The number of agencies for law enforcement in Vermont is 49, the number of personnel is 786, and the number per resident is 126. The number of sworn personnel is 616 and the number per 100,000 residents is 99. The number of agencies for sheriff’s offices is 14, the number of personnel is 187, and the number per 100,000 residents is 30. The number for sworn personal is 132 and the number of sworn personnel per 100,000 residents is 21. The number of fulltime employees for Vermont’s state law enforcement is 545, and the number per 100,000 residents is 88. The sworn employee’s number is 325 and the number of sworn employees per 100,000 residents is 52. I do not feel that Vermont has an adequate number of sworn officers. Vermont’s non-sworn officers have little power in the ability to arrest a citizen where as the few sworn cops may be providing service to a serious situation. There are numerous non-sworn officers but few sworn officers to support the criminal activities that occur on a daily basis. The number of sworn officers are sometimes proficient in the their efforts to uphold the law, yet those numbers aren’t always enough to produce the necessary protection for the state of Vermont.


Hardwick Logo. [Online Image] Available, September 26, 2009

Attorney General William H.Sorrell [Online image] Avaiable, September 26, 2009

Highway Patrol [Online Image] Available

History of the Police Department (2009).Retrieved September 25, 2009, from Vermont State Police: Department of Public Safety Web site:

Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders. (2009) Barreto-Neto v. Town of Hardwick Police Department. Retroeved September 24, 2009, from GLAD Web site:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Comes Insanity then Comes a Felony with a Misdemeanor on Top

The below is a statute in Vermont for arson:

§ 502. First degree arson

A person who willfully and maliciously sets fire to or burns or causes to be burned, or who wilfully and maliciously aids, counsels or procures the burning of any dwelling house, whether occupied, unoccupied or vacant, or any kitchen, shop, barn, stable or other outhouse that is parcel thereof, or belonging, or adjoining thereto, whether the property of himself or of another, shall be guilty of arson in the first degree, and shall be imprisoned not more than ten years nor less than two years or fined not more than $2,000.00, or both. (Amended 1971, No. 199 (Adj. Sess.), § 15; 1981, No. 223 (Adj. Sess.), § 23.)

The above is the Vermont statute in comparison to the book definition which is pretty similar , yet the statute goes more in the depth than the books definition.

Books definition:Intentionally burning of a building, home, or other property of another.

The following is a statute of Vermont regarding cruelty to children.

§ 1304. Cruelty to children under ten by one over sixteen

A person over the age of sixteen years, having the custody, charge or care of a child under ten years of age, who willfully assaults, ill treats, neglects or abandons or exposes such child, or causes or procures such child to be assaulted, ill-treated, neglected, abandoned or exposed, in a manner to cause such child unnecessary suffering, or to endanger his health, shall be imprisoned not more than two years or fined not more than $500.00, or both. (Amended 1971, No. 199 (Adj. Sess.), § 15.)

The above states the statute for Vermont for the misdemeanor for child cruelty, whereas the book makes no mention of.
Felony is crime punishable by prison sentence versus a county jail sentence.

Arson- Arson is the criminal act of intentionally burning a building, house or structure. If a death is the resulting action from arson it is considered a felony-murder in most states. An example of the felony arson is when two home owners torched their home in order to collect insurance money.

Misdemeanor is a crime punishable by jail time for 1 year or less this crime is also punishable by a fine.

Cruelty: Cruelty to children which is also known as child abuse which encompasses mental and physical battering and abuse, as defined by statutes in a majority of jurisdictions. An example of this type of misdemeanor is paernts in Newport,VT allowed their 13-month old son to ingest illegal drugs. These drugs were methadone and amphetamines in these were the drugs the father of the little had been taking for pain. These parents were charged with misdemeanor


Every state has an insanity test that is used to show or prove that someone is insane. There are four different types of insanity test that are used in America and they are all used in different ways. In the state of Vermont the A.I.L. or Model Penal Code is used to state if someone is insane or not. The Model Penal Code works by stating “a person is not responsible for a criminal conduct if at a time of such conduct as result of mental disease or defect he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the criminality of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law." (United States v. Brawner) If a defendant is found to be insane he or she is not responsible for their actions and their treatment is up to them whether they want to take it or not.

Vermont's IC3crime report states that 366 compliats were receivedin 2007. Of those 366 complaints they were broke down into 9 different catogories. The nine categories were Auction Fraud 39.2%, Non Delivery of Merchandise 22.7%, credit card fraud 10.2%, Confidence Fraud 6.8 %, Financial Institutions Fraud 4.5%, Check Fraud 4.0%, Threat 2.3%, Identity Theft 2.3%, Computer Fraud 1.7%, and Nigerian Letter Fraud 1.1%. As you can see there is alot of crime complaints in Vermont. This report also tells us the amonunt of Monetary Loss. This internet crime report states that "the top dollar loss complaint invovled confidence fraud and totaled $100,000.00 while reported losses through the stae exceeded $320,00.00." The amount lost by Indviduals for reporting the Monetary Loss was the most shocking. The median dollar loss for all of the complainst was $350.00. THe 2007 crime report also gives the percentage of the perpetrator characteristics by if they were male or femal. 75.7% of the perps were male. The other 24.3% was of course women. Vermont's complaint characteristics were broken down into gender as well. 53.3% were male and 46.7% were females. The complaint demographics were broken down into 6 different age groups. After veiwing the chart you can see that the age group 50-59 made the most complaints with the percentage being 24.3%. Under 20 had the least complaints with 3.6%. Even though 30-39 age group only made 21.6% complaint they had the most money lost. With the total being $680.00. While the group wiht the most complaints only lost $327.54.


(n.d.). The Vermont Legislature. Retrieved from

Siegal, L.J. ( 2008). Introduction to criminal justice. Belmont,CA: Wadsworth.
The National White Collar Crime Center, Bureau of Justice Assistance. (2007). IC3 2007 Retrieved from

Table 38, The Defense of Insanity: Standards and Procedures, State Court Organization, 1998; U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (June, 2000).

Robinson, Paul (1999). Table 38, The Defense of Insanity: Standards and Procedures, State Court Organization, 1998; U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (June, 2000).. Retrieved from

Friday, September 11, 2009

Research, Research, Research

In the Crime Report for the state of Vermont showed that between the year 2008 and 2007, the numbers were not any different. In the state of Vermont, they have two categories they report. Group “A” is when the crimes are more serious and there is a complaint to the law enforcement. Group “B” is when the crimes are less serious and only an arrest was made. In group “A”, crimes had increased 1.6% when compared to 2007 and in group “B” crimes had decreased by 4.2% when compared to 2007. The crime that increased more in Vermont was property crime. It had increased the most by burglaries and theft. Burglaries had increased by 11%and theft was at 10%, which decreased motor vehicle theft by 4% and vandalism and fraud were both down by 7%.

Questions to the Researcher for the UCR data
1. A prediction from now until 10 years in future, what will be the highest crime report in Vermont?
2. Could the state of Vermont do something in order for every crime reported to decrease instead of increase?
3. Would you say if people have more knowledge of all this data, it wouldn’t be so high and maybe help out?

Questions to the Researcher for the NCVS
How many different types of crimes do you receive a year?
Are your files confidential or open for any police department?
When you investigate, do children from the age of 12 to 15 get terrified or scared from the questions you ask?

Questions to the Self-report Data
What type of offenders would you say you get more of?
Is there a certain type of offender you would say has the highest rate?
Do you identify offenders or is there another department who does?

Minors should not be given the option to have an abortion without a parent’s consent. In other words abortions should be banned in Vermont like it is done in South Dakota. One reason why abortions should be criminalized is because in most cases when a female gets an abortion a heart beat is already formed inside of the fetus. If I’m not mistaken that’s called murder. Anything that has a heartbeat and is growing is alive. Another reason why abortions should be banned is due to the fact that a woman could risk not being able to have the chance to have children ever again. Most women make the mistake of getting pregnant. Instead of terminating the pregnancy try an alternative such as adoption or foster care. In addition to this there is a 50% chance there’s an increase in breast cancer .Every time a woman completes one abortion the risk of her getting breast cancer doubles, especially if you are under the age of 18 or above the age of 30.

Sexting is the act of sending a sexually explicit photo or video to another individual. Sexting in the state of Vermont is illegal if you are eighteen and under. Under Vermont laws all participants that are under age will be charged with child pornography, labeling these minors as a sex offender for life. These teens will without a doubt be prosecuted as a sex offender if caught sending an explicit image of themselves, even if it was consensual. A survey showed that many parents do not want their children prosecuted and labeled as a sex offender for a stupid decision. Many of these people have to take into consideration that as teens from the ages of thirteen to eighteen there will lie a natural physical curiosity for the opposite sex. For example teens all around the world are making the decision to send risqué images of themselves to other teens without out knowing the consequences of their actions. In my honest opinion teens should not be prosecuted for a stupid action that many adults have or will engage in, so these teens are only following by example. Teens sexting in Vermont should without a doubt be legal, reason being a thirteen year old female can make the decision to terminate her five month pregnancy without consent from her parents which is legal, yet that same thirteen year old female cannot send a nude photo of herself to another teen without being prosecuted. These teens are taught about sex education and how to protect themselves sexually. These teens are also taught abstinence and to find other avenues for their sexually gratifications, yet when they do it gets them in legal binds. Teens are also told by many adults, parents, and teachers including that at their age teens hormones are raging which will make them do many foolish things, these foolish things are risqué photos and videos. These charges should be brought upon the real sex offenders that commit a violent sexual act, not teens that are influenced by their peers, celebrities, and friends. Legalize teen sexting.

THE RIGHT TO KILL A DOG PURSUING DEER OR MOOSE: A state game warden, deputy warden, sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, police officer or state police may kill by shooting with firearms, dogs, whether licensed or unlicensed, when in such close pursuit as to endanger the life of a deer or moose or found in the act of wounding, maiming or killing deer or moose. Provisions of this section shall be subject to limitations set forth in section 4710 of this title. A warden or other person authorized under this subsection who does not kill a dog under the provisions of this subsection shall if possible, locate the owner or keeper of the dog and shall issue a warning that the dog was in violation of this section and each future violation shall result in the owner or keeper being fined not more than $200.00 nor less than $50.00.

OUR OPINION WHY IT SHOULD BE CRIMINALIZED: Murder should be considered murder. No matter under what circumstance killing is killing. If the U.S. in “One nation under God,” then we should follow the 10 Commandment that says “Thall shall not kill.” It doesn’t state that there is a right time to kill. Killing is either wrong or right. There is no exceptions!!!!

PROHIBITION OF ALCOHOL: It is illegal to consume alcoholic beverages if you’re under the age of 21. This law should be legalized because teenager have access to these beverages. Either way they are going to drink. It has the same effect on a teenager as it would to someone who is 21 years of age. They should change the legal age to drink alcoholic beverages to 18 years old. If we are able to vote for President at the age of 18, fight in the war and use weapons, why shouldn’t we be able to make our own choices in the substances we intake into our body.

© 1999-2009 The Vermont Department of Public Safety - All rights reserved,

Reisser, Paul C. Abortion Risks. Retrieved September 9, 2009, from Ramah International Web site:

(2009). Abortion-Planned Parenthood. Retrieved September 9, 2009, from Planned Parenthood Web site:
Tags: Sexting, minors, Vermont, abortions, legalizing

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome to CSI Vermont

Team CSI Vermont would like to welcome you to our blog post. You are invited to follow Team CSI Vermont. This welcome blog consist of eight people who will give you a brief description of their general interests, which can be concluded as a short biography of each team member.

KT is a 19 year old full-time freshmen attending UNLV who is majoring in Criminal Justice and her minor is Business Management. In the future she plans to become an Attorney. KT also thought about becoming a Paralegal Specialist in the Army, but instead she followed her mother's advice and went to college so she can get her law degree to own a law firm with her best friend JS. In addition to this KT wants to be an inspiring mother to her juvenile son. KT enjoys having fun and hanging out with her family and friends. She also enjoys shopping and going to cheer competitions in her spare time.
JS is a full-time freshmen shopaholic who is attending UNLV who is majoring in Criminal Justice. JS took a two and a half year program in which she had the option of becoming a nurse in which she declined to follow her long-term dream of becoming a prosecuting attorney. JS is dedicated to owning a law firm with her best friend KT, and looks forward to what is coming in the near future.
IL is a 18 year old freshmen attending UNLV who is minoring in Criminal Justice and majoring in Nursing. IL loves kids which is why after obtaining her doctoral degree she plans on becoming a compassionate Pediatrician. In her spare time IL loves to play soccer and hang with her friends and go shopping.
DP is a freshmen attending UNLV who is majoring in Criminal Justice. After receiving her Bachelors degree she will proceed to law school in New York or California. In the future she plans on becoming a Criminal Defense lawyer and work for the federal government. She also wants to work for herself and become a supreme court judge. However her options and opportunities are open so her plans may change.
KK is attending UNLV. She has a major in Biology and Education. She has been a substitute teacher for seven teen years. She wants to be an educated grandma with persistent knowledge. KK enjoys spending time with her friends, family, and co-workers. She enjoys watching the cook shows and cooking for her family.
SM is a 21 year old junior attending UNLV who has recently changed his major to Criminal Justice. He is still undecided on what he would like to do in the future, but is nonetheless taking strides to accomplish a career choice, to become a successful individual, and to make a difference in society. In his spare time SM likes to watch the sports channel and loves to hang with his buddies TT and JL.
TT is a sophomore who is currently majoring in Kinesiology. He thinks Criminal Justice is a very interesting major. So he is taking Criminal Justice classes to learn about the justice system and to have a better knowledge in the criminal justice career field. TT loves sports and loves new and exciting things.
JL is a sophomore who is attending UNLV and is majoring in Sociology. He is still undecided about what he wants to become in the future, but he aspires to be successful no matter what his future may brings. He is 20 years old and loves to have fun no matter what the situation may be. JL is a big Rebel fan and has been attending every football and basketball since his freshmen year at UNLV.

Team CSI Vermont would be pleased to educate you with the procedures and laws in the state of Vermont. Thank you for your time and interest. We hope that you gain the intended knowledge that you seek. Team CSI Vermont.


The criminal justice wedding cake was designed Samuel Walker to describe the process of criminal justice. The cakes consist of four layers. The first layer is where the most attention is received by the media or press. In the second layer most serious felonies or violent crimes are being made. The third layer is the part where no violence tends to take place for example drug-related cases are in this layer. In the fourth layer is where all the Misdemeanors are placed along with traffic violations. These cases in the fourth layer receive less attention from the media.

· Layer 1- Celebrated or National Cases
o In Milwaukee, police arrested a man who’s DNA has been linked to nine women’s bodies. Walter Ellis was recently charged with two counts of murder and he is expected to receive more charges in the near future.
· Layer 2 – Serious and Violent Crimes
o A six year old girl has been raped over a period of four years by a 34 year old male. The suspect receieves all but 60 days of his sentence suspended.
· Layer 3 – Drug-related Cases
o A 19 year old boy was arrested for possession of narcotics. Police were having a traffic patrol when the suspect drove off speeding. Once the suspect was stopped he then tried to hide the narcotics under his car.
· Layer 4 – Misdemeanors and Traffic Violations
o Theresa Carpenter was arrested on Saturday for a DUI. She took a breath test which exposed that .111% of alcohol was in her blood. For her punishment she was charged with a DUI and has to appear in the Vermont District Court.

The Vermont Department of Corrections administrate the corrections in the state of Vermont. The mission statement of the agency is "We support safe communities by providing leadership in crime prevention, repairing the harm done, addressing the needs of crime victims, ensuring offender accountability for criminal acts and managing the risk posed by offenders". The mission best fits the first layer. The Vermont Department of Public Safety is Vermont's largest law enforcement agency. The mission statement of the Vermont's Department of Public safety is to "promote the detection and prevention of crime, to participate in searches for lost and missing persons, and to assist in cases of statewide or local disasters or emergencies". "In order to carry out this purpose the Department is organized into four divisions, the Vermont State Police, Vermont Emergency Management, Criminal Justice Services, and Fire Safety". The mission statement has principles of the first and second layer. Finally, the Vermont Judiciary represents the judiciary branch of the state. The Vermont Judiciary "was established under the constitution to protect the rights of all Vermonters by providing equal access to courts and an opportunity for the merits of every legal dispute to be impartially heard and decided in a timely way". The judiciary branch of Vermont follows the third layer.

According to the federal statistics, (Perry 2006), the total justice system expenditure for 2006 of the state of Vermont were $294,990. The fund were spent more in police protection spending $135,961 (46.1%) .Police protection received the more amount when it came to spending for it to help the state and ensure the safety. The second highest was corrections with $101,311 (34.3%), while judicial spending totaled to $57,718 (19.6%). (thousands were the dollars used). One way the state of Vermont could reduce in every department is not spending on materials not needed. Another way is spending on the program who needs it more in order to help and protect the state. Finally, the last way it can reduce its spending is by focusing on a plan and ensure everything in writing to produce what each department will receive and not just throw the money away.


Ramde, Dinesh (2009, September 5). Milwaukee police: DNA links man to 9 slain women. Retrieved September 4, 2009, from
O'Reilly, Bill(Writer). (Thursday, January 19, 2006). Villains Surface in the Vermont Child Rape Case [Television series episode]. In The O'Reilly Factor. Vermont: Fox News.
(2009, September 6). Man arrested on narcotics charges. Retrieved September 8, 2009, from Web site:
(2009, September 6). Williston woman faces DUI charges. Retrieved September 8, 2009, from Web site:


  • Vermont

  • Rape

  • Murder

  • DUI

  • Arrest